As the world starts to re-open, albeit slowly and with a new set of rules for how we live and do business, it is important to prepare yourself and your business to find your “new normal” for the remainder of 2020.
Whilst we believe travel will continue to be restricted and businesses will continue to host the majority of meetings virtually, there will begin to be cases where business travel is necessary.
As a security company, we understand the importance of international travel and as your security company we would always be on the ground before you. In this way we would be able to assess the situation on the ground, advise of any hotspots to avoid and check the hygiene and social distancing policies of the hotel are being adhered to.
Whilst we cannot protect you from the virus itself, as a security company our focus is always on risk mitigation and therefore, we feel we would be best placed to help with any future travel needs. Within our role there are key skills which will also lend themselves to mitigating risk whilst travelling during this pandemic:
Contingency Planning
This is a key skill for a security company. A competent security company should have a number of contingencies in place for any operation. For example, if the chosen operative is unwell there should be a like for like replacement – an operative who is familiar with the industry, location and has the same skill level. While this may seem basic and straightforward, for us, ensuring we have the right operative for the task is fundamental. During the briefing stage we would get to know you and those involved in the task, assess the task and the location to ensure we found the operative best suited to the task.
Or, perhaps we need to change the venue or location at the last minute – we would have a contingency of other possible locations and be able to react quickly to rearrange any plans. We would also investigate alternative exit plans from a location in case the chosen country starts to close airspace or airports. When planning a task there are always a number of “what ifs” and you can’t always plan for every eventuality, however you need to be able to monitor a number of variables and react quickly if required.
Now more than ever, lines of communication need to stay open, and with a security company managing your travel and logistics, this will mean they will be communicating on your behalf with the different venues and accommodation planned for your trip to ensure everything is secure and seamless. Different countries currently have different protocols in terms of how they are responding to COVID-19 and monitoring and tracking any outbreaks. We are monitoring all countries we operate in to understand the landscape as travel begins to resume. In the case of any pandemic, constant monitoring of communications from local, county, state and federal authorities, hospitals and the media is a must.
Situational Awareness
Strong vigilance and risk monitoring are key skills for any security operative and these come into force when dealing with a pandemic. Their role is to monitor any potential risks whether that is to the client or the operational environment. Situational awareness goes hand in hand with communication – monitoring the landscape and ensuring we are ready to change any part of the plan using our contingencies.
Together these skills work to mitigate risk and ensure your travel plans run as smoothly as possible. Our role is to provide vigilance and deterrence to possible threats; whilst responding to changing situations in a manner that involves communication, collaboration and caution.
If you require advice regarding travel security, please contact us: call +44-203-318-6540 or e-mail: operations@scopussecurity.com