Smaller, more discrete operations are increasingly in demand by traveling VIPs. A low-profile operation means zero hype – which means the client should seek EP professionals with exceptional “people” skills and the ability to blend in.
The EP professionals must also have the capacity to develop a high-level of trust with the client. In the case of an emergency, a client following the split-second command of the agent could save his life.
In the case of executive foreign travel, the EP teams will need to augment their security protection plan according to local conditions. This could include knowledge of local language, customs, and laws to avoid any mishaps during the operation. In most cases, it is necessary to hire local security personnel – ideally, the security team should have access to local contacts prior to the operation.
In conclusion, when the VIP client and EP team can clearly communicate to each other risks, expectations, and progress along the way, it is a win-win situation for both parties involved in the operation.