When thinking about security services, it is an extremely broad term and could cover anything from CCTV to your own personal bodyguard. Our security services are bespoke, tailoring everything to you, the client, to ensure you get the security you need, where you need it, whether that is in your personal life, business or both. Here are some of the security services available from Scopus Security and the types of security they cover.
- Travel security
Whether travelling for business or pleasure, you want to feel safe. We are a global company with operatives on the ground in various countries. We have a wealth of experience with travel in China, Philippines and Turkey and can help with all the cultural nuances while also providing the best possible security service. But what does travel security mean?For us, it means protecting you and your family from the moment you leave your home until you return back to your home. This involves a series of planning and risk assessments, looking at your itinerary and the logistics of where you will be and when. We will then arrange all the logistics you need from secure cars to hotel vetting and everything in between. We can provide operatives to accompany you during your time away and we can offer suggestions of recommended hotels we know have sound security policies.If your plans change, so do we. With every element of security your team needs to be able to adapt and evolve with changing situations and moving targets. We pride ourselves on our success at managing the most complex of security tasks in the most remote destinations.
- Security consulting
Security consulting can mean different things to different people, for us it is the process of providing you with discreet, reliable information that will aid the decision-making process. It’s the best way to address security concerns and threats, mitigating risk.Before initiating a full security service contract with a provider, you might decide to start with a security consultation. This will help you understand how the security company works in much greater detail and give you the opportunity to see if you would like to work with them on a larger scale.Within security consulting, we could carry out:
- a review of current security protocol and processes,
- a risk assessment of a particular project or task
- an intelligence report
- security surveys
- asset report
- Risk Assessment
For us, a risk assessment is the critical starting point of any security task, however it can also be its own stand-alone service. It may highlight the need to incorporate different forms of security protection at home, work or while travelling. These could be provided by us or an existing security team.
- Risk Management
Mitigating risk is the key to sound security services. This would start with an initial assessment to ascertain all of the associated risks and how they could be avoided or dealt with should the situation occur.
- Close Protection
Probably the most well-known security service – bodyguards. These don’t have to be the big burly men pushing people out the way that you see in the movies. It is more about offering a discreet form of personal protection which allows you to carry on your life in a normal manner.
- Secure transportation
Secure transportation is often overlooked, especially when travelling. Travellers often just jump in a cab when they get to the airport, unaware that this could be a security risk. It is much safer to book a vetted and approved transport option who greets you inside the terminal building and takes you to your next destination.
- Residential security
Whether your home is occupied or unoccupied you want to know it is secure. A full assessment of the property and current security protocol is the best place to start alongside a risk assessment. Your security company can then put together a full list of recommendations on how to best ensure your property is secure.
- Cyber security
A hacker could damage your reputation, steal your intellectual property or infiltrate your business given the right opportunity. Cyber security aims to reduce the risk of cyber attacks and protect against the unauthorised exploitation of systems, networks, and technologies
- Event security
Event security is extremely complex with many moving parts and evolving itineraries. The logistics of organising an event is also time-consuming and stressful therefore you need a team to rely on to deliver the most appropriate security solutions. Having the right security team on board can ensure the safe and smooth running of an event. We would ensure secure transportation for air, land, and sea; medical solutions; emergency management services; and 24/7 personal security, anywhere in the world.
Whatever your security concerns are, by talking to a security expert such as Scopus we can help identify risks, and put a plan in place to mitigate these protecting you and your assets, wherever that might be in the world.