The business continuity program requires an engagement with governments, municipalities, infrastructure, utility companies, and transportation motives. They need to be embedded in your plan in order to strength your organization’s ability to deal with emergency events and ensure continuity.
Gal: What is the connection between a good plan and managing an event? Please share some examples from your previous experiences.
Alex: Some examples that I have encountered in my past are the 2009 flu pandemic and the 2010 Laki Volcano eruption in Iceland that created ash clouds over Europe causing over 60,000 flights to be cancelled.
In the 2009 flu pandemic, the Numoynx operational sites (The Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Israel, Italy, USA, etc.) activated their Emergency Operation Centers (EOC) that worked in line with the local authorities’ guidance as well as Corporate Emergency Operation Center (CEOC) directions and procedures.
In each operation we activated a plan that will ensure continuity and therefore reduced potential interruption to production. During this outbreak we did not lose production capacity nor was there any business impact on employees. The commitments to our customers were fully met.
The second example is the ash cloud created by the eruption in 2010 of Laki Volcano in Iceland. This event resulted in a flight limitation issue over Europe. Nevertheless, we were one of the few companies to succeed in using ground transportation alternatives due to the business continuity plan. Therefore, our products were successfully transferred to our customers in a timely fashion.
In general, the creation of a well-thought-out continuity plan that includes exercises and drills will prepare the organization in the best way possible for emergency events. The creation and practice of such a plan puts the organization into a proactive mindset and dialogue toward events could bring the business down. This action creates collaboration with the different parts of the organization, helping to focus on the organization’s continuity, while achieving its business goals.